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Showing posts from July, 2017

Dream Job, You and ATS. Why you don’t get the job you are qualified for?

Having completed my masters’, it’s been a while that I have been searching for my dream job. After applying for around 80+ vacancies, I still have no luck. It’s really very frustrating. All the advice from the HR “experts” for job seeks are just not working. Customize CVs and cover letter that I have spent hours preparing find its way to dustbins. This might be the story of many of you trying to change or start your career. Expert suggestion – no they are the story of the past. Something new is in the game. A Glimpse of the World The world has become more competitive. More people are crossing borders to get their dream job. Thanks to globalization, people are mobile than ever. This brings pressure to the recruiters of a dream company. Just imagine piles of CVs stacked at the recruiter each day. Going through each CV is impossible. The solution: Applicant Tracking System (ATS). What is an ATS? An ATS is a software that enables electronic handling of recruitment needs, namely by

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