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Dream Job, You and ATS. Why you don’t get the job you are qualified for?

Having completed my masters’, it’s been a while that I have been searching for my dream job. After applying for around 80+ vacancies, I still have no luck. It’s really very frustrating. All the advice from the HR “experts” for job seeks are just not working. Customize CVs and cover letter that I have spent hours preparing find its way to dustbins. This might be the story of many of you trying to change or start your career. Expert suggestion – no they are the story of the past. Something new is in the game. A Glimpse of the World The world has become more competitive. More people are crossing borders to get their dream job. Thanks to globalization, people are mobile than ever. This brings pressure to the recruiters of a dream company. Just imagine piles of CVs stacked at the recruiter each day. Going through each CV is impossible. The solution: Applicant Tracking System (ATS). What is an ATS? An ATS is a software that enables electronic handling of recruitment needs, namely by
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Writing a Thematic Paper..........

Writing a Thematic Paper is a part of academic writing in many Bachelor and Master level studies. Yes, they are difficult to administer. The very concept of thematic paper doesn’t seem to absorb well into the mind of the students. Due to this, students tend to reject writing it. Of course, a mental exercise is something people around the world try to resist. A mental pressure releases same chemical that is released when we are in pain. However, the pain generated while writing a thematic paper gives a deeper understanding and develops the mental capacity in students. Why Thematic Paper? There are several advantages of writing a thematic paper or essay. Some of them are: It gives deeper understanding of the phenomenon or a topic under study. It can spill over the daily chores of life, allowing the writer to make better decisions. It will help while writing other reports. It will increase the standard of writing and quality of other reports. By witnessing the changes in the

Put all Your Eggs in One Basket!!

The classical portfolio management theories like Markowitz Portfolio Theory and The Efficient Frontier suggest that investment in financial assets must be done in such a way that return from one asset offset the return from another asset. By doing so, investor will be indifferent about the economic cycle and the overall return from the asset will be better in the long run. Hence these theories suggest investors that if any investor want to be better off from their investment they should simply:  Don’t put your all their eggs in same basket. Of course it’s easy said than done. There are techniques that should be followed to make the best selection of assets for a portfolio. And no matter how careful an investor is in selecting the assets in portfolio, he/she is not 100% sure that it offsets the risk. There theories were devised when the things around the world were much simpler. Technology and world market had not expanded so exponentially. The flow of information and its

Time Management Isn't Working Right!! Is it?

For ages we have been focusing on time, “Manage your time”, “Manage on time”, We have been working for 12-16 hours a day; just to get perfectly exhausted and find out we don’t have enough time for family and loved ones. Result: guilty feeling and dissatisfaction which takes toll on us physically, mentally, and emotionally, further leading to declining levels of engagement, increasing levels of distraction, high turnover rates, and soaring medical costs.   The way we are working isn’t working .   In the article “Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time”, Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy propose a new perspective for managing self by managing energy that can be built and expanded rather than finite time. Managing energy will help to increase and regularly improve work capacity .  With their proven rituals, anyone can increase the level of productivity. In other words, do more at less time. However, to succeed, renewal efforts need solid support and commitment from senior management, begin

प्रेमकी देवी

तिमी विना वाच्दिन म, सोच्यौ तिमीले कसरी तिमी मेरो साका संसार, सोच्यौ तिमीले कसरी || गोरेटोहरू जिन्दगीको, एउटा तिम्रो नाममा भयो अल्झि वस्छू वरिपरी, सोच्यौ तिमीले कसरी || माया गर्छू तिमीलाई, अरुलाई नगर्ने हैन भुलिदिन्छ संसारलाई, सोच्यौ तिमीले कसरी || केहि चुम्मन ओठभरी, मन बाध्न काफी छैन प्रेमकी देवी तिमी मात्रै, सोच्यौ तिमीले कसरी || समयको बेग संगै, बगिहिडे म पनि फर्कि आउछू तिम्रैलागी, सोच्यौ तिमीले कसरी || तिमी विना वाच्दिन म, सोच्यौ तिमीले कसरी तिमी मेरो साका संसार, सोच्यौ तिमीले कसरी ||

Newton's Law of Bookkeeping

This is how science and accounting blend together. Newton’s Law of Motion III. “ For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. ” Double Entry Bookkeeping System: “ For every transaction that happens, there are two effects, one opposing the other, debit and credit. ” According to Newton, whenever objects A and B interact with each other, they exert forces upon each other. When you sit in your chair, your body exerts a downward force on the chair and the chair exerts an upward force on your body. There are two forces resulting from this interaction - a force on the chair and a force on your body. These two forces are called action and reaction forces and are the subject of Newton's third law of motion. ~ The Physics Classroom F­ A = F B The double entry bookkeeping system is the basis of all the transactions that takes place in the world. It is the very foundation of the accounting system which helps to run the business of the world