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Writing a Thematic Paper..........

Writing a Thematic Paper is a part of academic writing in many Bachelor and Master level studies. Yes, they are difficult to administer. The very concept of thematic paper doesn’t seem to absorb well into the mind of the students. Due to this, students tend to reject writing it. Of course, a mental exercise is something people around the world try to resist. A mental pressure releases same chemical that is released when we are in pain. However, the pain generated while writing a thematic paper gives a deeper understanding and develops the mental capacity in students.
Why Thematic Paper?
There are several advantages of writing a thematic paper or essay. Some of them are:
  1. It gives deeper understanding of the phenomenon or a topic under study. It can spill over the daily chores of life, allowing the writer to make better decisions.
  2. It will help while writing other reports.
  3. It will increase the standard of writing and quality of other reports.
  4. By witnessing the changes in the meaning or different words, it lets the writer to understand how things changes over time. In doing so, it will allow the writer to understand that change is inevitable.
  5. Reflects the development of generation and civilization.
  6.  And many more.
There are cons to not writing the thematic paper. They are:
  1. Since writing thematic paper forces you to think through new dimensions, writing thematic paper will help you evolve.
  2. Your quality of writing remains stagnant while those who write the paper improve theirs. Hence, it provides competitive disadvantage.
  3. You’ll be stuck in old pattern of thinking.
  4.  After you become seniors or get out of college, discussions in “thematic paper” will make you feel awkward.
  5. You may probably get an NQ (Not Qualified) and never complete your degree.

What is Thematic Paper?
Online Etymological Dictionary defines a theme as “the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic.”
A thematic paper, thus, tries to find out the origin of the word or title, its different usage over time, development of the term in its nature and form, how it has evolved, the nature of its existence and finally how it has been used in the current situation.
What Format should I follow?
The internet is bombarded with the format of thematic paper writing. While they give insights into hoe to write all types of report, the format is applicable for general report writing.  The information they include are – introduction, body and conclusion.
While, thematic paper includes these parts, they are treated differently while writing a thematic. Since thematic paper is all about meaning making, a different more specific format that captures the essence of thematic paper should be followed. A tentative format of thematic paper is as follows:

1. The Meaning Making
In this part of writing, meaning od each word of the concept that is intended to review. For example, if you are writing a thematic paper in “Thematic Review” then write the meaning of thematic and meaning of review and then the meaning of thematic review.
2. Etymological Dimensions
This include a brief history to the date, chronology of events and intellectual advancement of the theme. You can follow in order to find the etymology of different words.
For example, etymological dimension of “Theme” would be:

3. Ontological Dimensions
It includes writing how the theme is existing in the field, what has made the theme useful and how does the theme relates with other themes/subjects.
4. Epistemological Dimensions
It includes explaining how the theme has emerged at its origin, what type of structure does it form, what does it tell and form, what does it tell about and how and what is the boundary of the theme.
5.  Thematic Remarks
It includes complementary themes, supplementary themes and the critique.
The above mentioned are the basic format of the thematic paper. However, the application of the contents of the format depends upon the title on which anyone is writing the thematic paper.

I hope the blog is useful. Please comment if you have suggestions, queries or complement.

Special Thanks to:
  • Associate Professor Dr. Raj Kumar Bhattarai
  • Mr. Nischal Rishal, M.Phil.
  • Faculty of Master of Business Management Management , Nepal Commerce Campus, Kathmandu - Nepal.
  • Wordpress
  • Etymology Dictionary
  • Google


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