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Life is wonderful and opportunities lies everywhere for those who can see them.
The bird cuckoos early at 5:30 am, everyday. Time to wake up. I am a very simple person with most simple life (smile, laugh, hangout, work and upgrade) in Earth.
I love my life, my job and the entire world. My office is located exactly 5kms from my residence. Walking is my favorite task. I walk for a km and travel 4kms through public transport. This time of my day is the happiest moment in my life.
While I keep walking, I see other people. Some going for job, some for school, some doing their business and some just going around, some are extremely happy and some extremely sad. I smile on every face, everyone is productive being, or at helping other to be productive. I am thankful to the beggar at the side of the street who reminds me, encourage me, to study, gain experience, upgrade, smile, work and always be happy.
The cost for my travel for 4kms is Rs. 10 i.e. $0.01. Only that much.
It’s just the business of Rs. 10. The cost of most of the travelling done in KTM. However, on the bigger side, same Rs. 10 business has turned millions of amount to its owners. A rough estimate shows that on average such a vehicle can save Rs. 1,500 after deducting all the expenses of the day and amount for the installment of bank. The proof of the profit from the business of public transport is the article published by on 26 Feb, 2014 stating “Sajha yatayat” makes income of 36 million in less than a year of its operation. Sajha Yatayat began its operation with 16 buses. Those who have vision have capitalized the opportunity of Rs. 10 business.
Whenever I travel through the vehicle, I can’t stop smiling. A supposedly small business can make so much of fortune. No amount, no work is small. Is it??


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